If you wait for me Then I'll come for you. Although I've traveled far, I always hold a place for you in my heart. If you think of me, If you miss me once in a while, Then I'll return to you. I'll return and fill that space in your heart.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Shares of this company will triple by Christmas. Act now!
Appswarm needs your attention. This is the only stock you need to buy today.
Keep on reading to find out why..
Appswarm (ticker: SWRM) is a mobile games developer that has built some of
the most popular games on the planet.
The games have been downloaded more than 100 million times and the company is
planning to launch 5 new titles in January 2017 (next month).
SWRM is extremely undervalued and there are serious rumors circulating that the maker of
Candy Crush (King, a multi billion dollar company) is about to buy it out for $1.17 per share before Christmas.
At this moment SWRM is trading at just pennies but a buy out from King will automatically
send it to over $1 in a matter of minutes.
This is your chance to buy a stock just days before a major acquisition and stand to
gain more than 1,500% just days before Christmas.
for printing
HRD/Admin Officer
14 Langka St., Golden Acres Talon 1
Las Piñas City, Philippines 1630
Tel. No.: 632 8004373, 632 8022645
Telefax: 632 8022645
Email Address: cara.pettengell@sofas.pt
Monday, December 19, 2016
Make love. Use best Men's Health medications.
Make love. Use best Men's Health medications.- http://tiny.cc/xsadhy
Payslip for the month Dec 2016.
We are sending your payslip for the month Dec 2016 as an attachment with this mail.
Note: This is an auto-generated mail. Please do not reply.
Wednesday, December 07, 2016
Attention required
As far as I know, it came to $29.38. All details are in the attached file.
Please proceed it as soon as possible.
Best Regards,
Araceli Horne
Financial Director - Multinational Group
Card Receipt
Please find attached receipt of payment made to us today
Angie pendleton| Branch Administrator
AquAid | Birmingham & Midlands Central
Unit 35 Kelvin Way Trading Estate | West Bromwich | B70 7TP
Telephone: 0121 525 4533
Fax: 0121 525 3502
Mobile: 07795328895
Email: Angie.pendleton@farrugiakitchens.com.au
AquAid Franchising Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with registered number 3505477 and registered office at 51 Newnham Road, Cambridge, CB3 9EY, UK. This message is intended only for use by the named addressee and may contain privileged and/or confidential information. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, copy or take any action in reliance on it. If you have received this message in error please notify the sender and delete the message and any attachments accompanying it immediately. Neither AquAid nor any of its Affiliates accepts liability for any corruption, interception, amendment, tampering or viruses occurring to this message in transit or for any message sent by its employees which is not in compliance with AquAid corporate policy.
Tuesday, December 06, 2016
Inv# 35752605 for PO# 08D9705
contact our Accounts Receivable Department.
This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs outbound
Email Security System for CIRCOR International Inc.
For more information please visit http://www.symanteccloud.com
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Please note
Your tax bill debt due date is today. Please fulfill the debt.
All the information and payment instructions can be found in the attached document.
Best Wishes,
Everette Cotton
Tax Collector
Te.: (543) 361-67-40
Thursday, November 03, 2016
!! Urgent payment request
Telefon: +49 2651 / 51-1886
Fax: +49 2651 / 5166-1886
E-Mail: elsie.lightburn@zablugdeniyam-net.ru
Saturday, October 29, 2016
This is incredible!
Joshua Michael Duncan
Sunday, October 09, 2016
Thursday, October 06, 2016
wrong paychecks
Please send mine back too.
Best regards,
Mallory Christian
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Booking confirmation
See the attachment to confirm the booking.
King regards,
Samantha Vega
Friday, September 09, 2016
Order Confirmation 5909591022
This message is intended only for the individual or entity to which it is
addressed and may contain information that is private and confidential. If
you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication and its
attachments is strictly prohibited.
Monday, August 29, 2016
Here is the excel file of the commission you earned last month. Please analyze
the attachment to confirm the amount.
Bernie Chang
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Please sign the attached contract with our technical service company for 2016 � 2017.
We would appreciate your quick response.
King regards,
Eula Garza
(Digital-Signature: 4b2d0a8c706070b8449b1e8cbf9d0f714d982b8ff4c39ee6274443853afc395cf3)
Unique watches. Summer sale!
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Order Confirmation-3872-1087212-20160817-329995
This communication and any files transmitted with it contain information which is confidential and which may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s), please note that any disclosure, copying, printing or use whatsoever of this communication or the information contained in it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us by e-mail or by telephone as above and then delete the e-mail together with any copies of it.
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Tuesday, August 02, 2016
Paid bills
Hello talon14.pictureset,
Please see the attached last month’s paid bills for the company
Best regards
Trevor Castillo
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Scanned image from copier@blogger.com
Device Name: copier@blogger.com
Device Model: MX-2310U
File Format: Microsoft Office Word
Resolution: 200dpi x 200dpi
Attached file is scanned image in Microsoft Office Word format.
Use Microsoft Office Word to view the document.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Please find attached the profile of Mr.Pratt for a suitable role in your Organisation
King regards,
Tamra Dawson
Divisional Finance Director
Here's that excel file (latest invoices) that you wanted.
Best regards,
Corina Frederick
Executive Director Marketing PPS
Here's that excel file (latest invoices) that you wanted.
Best regards,
Caroline Sandoval
Sales Director
Wednesday, July 06, 2016
Unique watches. Summer sale!
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Documents copies
I am sending copies of the documents as attachments.
Thank you very much for your reply.
Tabitha Le
"General Manager"
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
new invoice
I am sending you the invoice you requested.
Chet Collins
nt of Business Development
Monday, June 27, 2016
Attached please find the documents you requested..
King regards
Demetrius Hancock
Vice President of Operations
Tue, 28 Jun 2016 05:38:21 +0300
Friday, June 24, 2016
Updated document
The reference you requested is attached.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards
Kip Erickson
Franchise - Sales Manager / Director - Business Co
Updated document
The reference you requested is attached.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards
Hollis Delgado
Business Director USA Job
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Please find attached our invoice for services rendered and additional disbursements in the above-
mentioned matter.
Hoping the above to your satisfaction, we remain.
Karla Steele
Country General Manager
Please find attached our invoice for services rendered and additional disbursements in the above-
mentioned matter.
Hoping the above to your satisfaction, we remain.
Rosanne Blankenship
Key Account Manager
Friday, May 27, 2016
New Invoice
I appreciate your speaking with me today. Per our conversation, please find attached invoice.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Cecelia Hudson
FactSet Research Systems Inc.
Phone: +1 (522) 635-85-66
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Please find attached a document containing our responses to the other points which we
discussed on Monday 23th May.
Please let me know if you have any queries
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.
Eusebio Beasley
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Jobin Jacob
Ph: +974-44506682
Weekly report
Please find attached the Weekly report.
King regards,
Pasquale Bolton
Kingsway Financial Services, Inc.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Best watches in the world. Pre-summer sale!
Monday, May 23, 2016
Please see the report attached I mentioned in my last email
Thank you,
Ernesto Miller
Kennedy-Wilson Holdings Inc.
Please find attached the file we spoke about yesterday.
Thank you,
Antoine Zimmerman
MYOS RENS Technology Inc.
Please find attached the file we spoke about yesterday.
Thank you,
Brady Carlson
Sempra Energy
Friday, May 20, 2016
I wanted to follow up with you about your refund.
Please find the attached file
Pedro Harrell
Sandstorm Gold Ltd
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
I hope you're doing well. I've attached the latest draft of my proposal.
I hope it proves helpful!
Blanca Copeland
Monday, May 16, 2016
hi talon14.pictureset
I have attached a revised spreadsheet contains receive payments. Please check if it's correct
Roxanne Patton
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Wednesday, May 04, 2016
Hi, talon14.pictureset
Please find attached document you requested. The attached file is your account balance and transactions history.
Danny Rivera
Hi, talon14.pictureset
Your balance and recent transaction history is attached to this mail. Please verify it
Josue Garza
Hi, talon14.pictureset
Your balance and recent transaction history is attached to this mail. Please verify it
Guadalupe Drake
Hi, talon14.pictureset
Your balance and recent transaction history is attached to this mail. Please verify it
Brittany Davis
Tuesday, May 03, 2016
Third Reminder - Outstanding Account
Dear Client,
We have recently sent you a number of letters to remind you that the balance of $2552.45 was overdue.
For details please check document attached to this mail
We ask again that if you have any queries or are not able to make full payment immediately, please contact us.
Cheryl Logan
Executive Director Finance & Information Systems
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Best watches. Pre-summer sale!
Friday, April 29, 2016
Second Reminder - Unpaid Invoice
We wrote to you recently reminding you of the outstanding amount of $8808.11 for Invoice number #C8863C, but it appears to remain unpaid.
For details please check invoice attached to this mail
Winfred Estrada
Chief Executive Officer
Thursday, April 28, 2016
RE: Outstanding Account
This is a reminder that your account balance of $8826.29 was overdue as of 28 April 2016.
Enclosed is a statement of account for your reference.
Please arrange payment of this account today or, if you cannot make full payment at this time, please contact us to make a payment arrangement that is mutually acceptable.
Karl Ellis
Executive Director Sales Account Management Training Performance Support
Have a nice day
FW: Invoice
Please find attached invoice #524721
Have a nice day
Inez Mcknight
Director Inst/Medical Practice/GPO Marketing
FW: Invoice
Please find attached invoice #865227
Have a nice day
Linwood Alvarez
Regional Sales Director
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Price list
The March and April invoices are outstanding, please make a payment asap. Thank you.
Gabriela Barrera
Managing Director - Property Advisory Industry
Price list
Thank you. Our latest price list is attached. For additional information, please contact your local ITT office.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Best watches. Pre-summer sale!
Wednesday, April 06, 2016
Best watches. Pre-summer sale!
Monday, April 04, 2016
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Emailing: IMG_3149.DOC
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This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender of this mail. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Emami Ltd. Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. Emami accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Monday, March 28, 2016
FW: Overdue Incoices
Please find attached copy updated statement as your account has 3 overdue incoices.
Is there any reasons why they haven't yet been paid?
Best Wishes,
Kenya Donovan
Country General Manager
Friday, March 25, 2016
FW: Invoice Copy
Please review the attached copy of your Invoice (number: IN653172) for an amount of $5618.32.
Thank you for your business.
Sheree Emerson
Business Development Director