Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Say no, loneliness

Quick search
Beautiful Russian and Ukrainian women for marriage.


got unwanted mail from us?

Monday, February 06, 2012

No longer quiescent...

Honestly this is just a catch-up blog to let those who care (or just wanna look in on my life or thoughts) know what has been happening in the past few weeks.

I have just recently found out that the University of Memphis no longer carries(?) the Bachelors of Science in Geology or Geophysics that I was once in attendance for. They do, however, carry a Bachelors of Arts in the subject. Besides some major core-course requirements changing, I find myself lost and asking "How does this affect my future job opportunities?". With this and many other not so important questions in mind, I hit the internet to do a little research. Amongst the many forums and sites dedicated to Geology and it's prospective (no pun intended) and  current students, I have come across a few enlightening "facts".

For those interested:
Salary Range (as of 2007 I believe):
A little Something about Diamonds:
Yahoo's Diff b/t B.A. and B.S.:
Another that's a bit more clear:

And the list goes on...

I did find a forum where quite a few people in the field were discussing the best options out there, however, I have misplaced the link. Also, I found a great listing of the Top 25 Graduate Schools for Geology, but I'm going to cross that bridge when I get there. Nonetheless, I shall not be deterred! What I've come up with at this point is finishing my Associate's Degree in Science. I don't particularly like all the Arts and Humanities classes that U of M is requiring for their B.A. so I've been looking into other colleges to fulfill that part of my action plan (plus, most of the places I've looked into the "differences" issue have stated that people with a B.S. in this field are more flexible job-wise).

With all that aside, I've decided that - though I'm not "old", I am creeping up on 30 - it is time to get back to a regular habit of exercise and eating some-what better before my body takes a major turn for the worst. I say "some-what" because, well, I love food. There is only a handful of things I have tried thus far that I absolutely cannot stand. Anyways, last night I started a new workout routine and today (strangely enough) I feel great. A little stiff, but great nonetheless. I mainly just want to drop some of the fat I have, tone muscle, and shape up a bit. The major concern is stamina, though. My endurance is quite low since I stopped working out and I smoke, but I'm working on rectifying these in short order.

I really could go on and on but then I wouldn't get any work around here done, so I'm gonna stop for now.

I hope every one is well. Thanks to all my family & friends (both near and far) that have shown me the value of positive thinking and "fighting" for what you want in life. I love you all - some more than others! (Haha!) 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Smash in the face with perpetual growth...

So before I deleted them off of this blog site, I took a moment to "relive" my past as through my own eyes and words... I had forgotten most of the things that I had posted on here. Though I'm a big believer in recording things for posterity, I was truly and unabashedly ashamed of myself for most of what I posted. I apologize to anyone and everyone that read and remembers the absolute atrocities that were my thoughts and experiences back then.

Deleting them from this site does not delete them from time; however, to fail to realize how much I have and have not changed in the process of moving from young adult to adult would be a massive harm to myself.

I will be the first to admit that my life is not exactly "on target" for what I had hoped and that I have only myself to blame for that poor choice in trails.

With the advent of 2012 and what is to come throughout this year, I plan on implementing a course correction to my sedentary life... this comfortable existence with no real purpose except to fill a small space in the void.

Over the years now past, I have learned a few new tricks of the trade to add to my repertoire as a "Jack-of-All-Trades", but since we know that a little knowledge can be just as dangerous to one's self as a knife in the hands of a toddler, I plan on vastly narrowing my field of options and expertise. I will focus on what I know and understand. I will seek that which makes me happy and provides opportunity not only to myself, but that one that I'll share a great portion of my life with when she comes along.

I think that I shall conclude this for now, as I have work that must be done for tonight. Love as always. JD

Long time coming / I Hate spam (not the "food")

Good evening to all of you out there in the wide, wide world. The irony that I would even attempt to reuse this blog site is not lost on me, yet here we are again after a rousing (and slightly infuriating) dose of "spring cleaning" on this sight. Sadly, I must confess that I am somewhat appalled at myself for not doing this before. I cannot promise every day updates, nor would I want to subject you to them. I will only post things that I find are intriguing, disturbing, or likewise humorous.

Enough prattle about all of this. It's been a long time. I think I need to freshen up the place a bit more, so I'll be back with something comical/ nerdy in just a bit.